Nu är det snart måndag i den första adventsveckan. Under min promenad idag såg jag redan en del adventsstakar och stjärnor i fönstren.
Now it is soon Monday in the first week of Advent. During my walk this afternoon I saw some Advent candlesticks and stars in the windows.....
Fler danska fyrar
More Danish Lighthouses.....
Vädret här i Sverige under oktober och november har varit ganska så bra i år. En hel del sol och värme, men också några frostnätter. Och naturligtvis en del regn här i kustlandet. Clematis Mikelite är en riktig tuffing och blommar för fullt idag den 20 november. Litet gulaktiga blad och rödare blommor än under högsommaren men still going strong...
The weather here in Sweden during October and November has been pretty good this year. A lot of sun and warmth, but also some frosty nights. Clematis Mikelite is a real tough guy and still in full bloom today, the 20th of November. Smaller more yellowish leaves and a bit redder flowers than in high summer but still going strong ...
Mikelite i juli/Mikelite in July
Welcome to Mary in her little dear red house to see more mosaics
What a wonderful post! Great lighthouses and lovely clematis!
SvaraRaderaHave a nice week,
What a treat it was to come to your site this evening. I loved the drift of snowflakes that followed my cursor - what a pretty touch!
SvaraRaderaThe Danish lighthouses are so beautiful - crisp and clear shots that make me believe I can smell the salt air.
wonderful mosaics!
SvaraRaderaHi I'm visiting from little red house, lovely mosaics you have here, specially like the lighthouses.
SvaraRaderaSå vackra fyrar du visar! och vad det blommar hos dej fortfarande, otroligt!
SvaraRaderaTack för fina bilder!
Ha en härlig vecka!
I love your lighthouses, very nice collection. And the clemetis is beautiful, it is lovely and ncie to see it still in bloom. Have a great week!
SvaraRaderaWonderful lighthouses and a beautiful flower. Have a nice day.
SvaraRaderaTänk att din clematis fortfarande blommar, vädret är lite ur led. Vackra bilder!
SvaraRaderaPå onsdag är det dags att prova show off igen:-)
Beautiful lighthouses! Nice to see such colorful flowers this time of year, so pretty!
SvaraRaderaLovely Clematis...I guess we won't be seeing blooms like that until next summer!
SvaraRaderaI love to visit and photograph lighthouses. You found some pretty ones!
SvaraRaderaYour clematis are a nice color..all my outdoor flowers have withered away from the cold.
Have a good week!
Gorgeous photos and mosaics! You live in a beautiful part of the world...