söndag 11 september 2011

Mosaic Monday

The world will never forget the 11th of September 2001

File:Ground Zero Spirit.jpg

Sätt på din dator och öppna internet och gör sedan ett par knapptryckningar. Och ett par dagar senare finns det en kartong innehållande iris och pioner färdiga att planteras på din altan.....

Turn on your computer and open internet and then just a couple of keystrokes. And a few days later, there is a box containing the irises and peonies ready to be planted on your patio ....

Hur klarade vi oss innan vi hade Internet? Tänk så lätt det går att beställa hem växter nu!
How did we manage before Internet? 
Har alltid min kamera i fickan när jag är ute och går.  Fotona i mosaiken nedan är
från planteringar och krukor jag stött på under mina promenader.
Not fram my garden but from borders and pots here and there. 
I'll never go out without my little camera in my pocket.

At Mary's place you'll always find  many interesting mosaics.

13 kommentarer:

  1. Being so close to New York, we were deeply affected by what happened on 9/11/2001, and I found it comforting to know that most of the world was just as affected as we were.

  2. I don't know how we ever managed before the internet - I think that world has come together in a wonderful way because of this tool.
    I loved your bouquet in your previous post - such a lovely, restful fall arrangement.

  3. Oj vad du har beställt, spännande. Vackra bilder.


  4. We will never forget9-11. Your flowers are just lovely, I love the pretty colors. Have a great week!

  5. Oh my!!! What exquisite color! Absolutely beautiful! Cathy

  6. Grattis! Du har precis fått en award av mig. Du får hämta den på min sida.


  7. Gorgeous color! I always carry my camera ... or try to! If I don't have it, I always see something I want to take a photo of!

  8. Thank you Ingmarie, for both your beautiful pictures of flowers -- what wonderful and joyous colors! -- and for your remembrances.

    I remember how moved I was, and how comforted, by the world's sorrow and support on that day ten years ago.

    All best wishes, Cass

  9. such beautiful flowers & a great reminder.
    Thanks for stopping by & visiting.

  10. The yellows and oranges of your flowers are very beautiful. I know what you mean about carrying around a camera!

  11. Tankeväckande bild och vackra eldiga blommor! Oj, vad mycket växter du har köpt!
    Ha det gott!

  12. Thank you so much for your beautiful flowers, and also for your remembrance of 9/11. it is comforting to know that the world cares and remembers with us... xoxo
